MTAC Holiday Art Drive
Event Details
The 2020-2021 MTAC Holiday Art Drive is over. Please fill out the feedback form at the bottom of this page. We hope to see your submissions again next year!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Markham Teen Arts Council is hosting its first-ever holiday art-drive. This winter season, MTAC is showing its support to those in our community who need it more than ever. We encourage youth artists around the Markham and GTA community to submit their artwork with holiday well wishes to spread the holiday spirit. Artwork will be sent to senior homes in the GTA and SickKids frontline workers.
Participants submitting their artwork will receive a Certificate of Social Impact and one raffle entry will be awarded per submitted piece! There is no limit on how many pieces you can submit.
The following formats are accepted:
Graphic design cards
Visual arts pieces
Calligraphy cards
Vocal recordings
Musical or instrumental recordings
All submissions must be uploaded online via our submission form below. Artwork must be in sufficient detail and have words of holiday well wishes to recipients. Musical and vocal submissions should be kept between one and five minutes.
What are you waiting for? Spread the holiday spirit this year to our community!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email us at or DM us on Instagram @markhamteenarts!